17th-Century Farthing Trade Tokens
The number of tokens pertaining to this county is very small, and they consist of halfpennies and farthings, and
range from 1656 (No. 12) to 1669 (Nos. 3, 4 and 16). The literature touching upon them is somewhat large, when
we compare the very limited issue of pieces. The principal are:
"The Tradesmen's Tokens (of the seventeeth century) of Cumberland and Westmorland," by William Henry Brockett, Gateshead-upon-Tyne, 1853. Reprinted from an article in the Gateshead Observer of March 5, 1853. "The Ancient Commerce of Westmerland." Reprinted from the Gentleman's Magazine for May, 1853. "The Tradesmen's Tokens issued during the Seventeenth Century in Appleby, in the County of Westmorland," by T. Fisher, Kendal, 1855. "The Tradesmen's Tokens issued during the Seventeenth Century in Kirkby Stephen, in the County of Westmorland," by T. Fisher, Kendal, 1855. There are also articles in the Gentleman's Magazine for March, 1792, in Nicholson's "Annals of Kendal," and in the Kendal Mercury for December 14, 1861, and March 28, 1863.
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