17th-Century Farthing Trade Tokens
To a late valued and highly-esteemed friend, Llewellyn Jewitt, F.S.A., of Derby, the Editor is indebted for much
kindly aid in arranging the tokens of this county.
Mr. Jewitt promised to take entirely in hand the arrangement of this county, and to supply notes as to the issuers, but his untimely decease prevented this kindly work being carried out. There is no very special interest attaching to the tokens of this county. They are few in number, and generally of ordinary type. The token of Gnoshall is an exception to this rule, and displays some character in its inscription on the obverse, and prayer for peace, specially appropriate in those troublous times, on the reverse. It is the only octagonal token of the series, with the exception of the one issued at Yoxall by Zechariah Lightwood. [Both are halfpennies and thus not included in the listings here] The only corporation piece in the county is that issued by the city of Lichfield. A partnership token is issued of Thomas and Joseph Smiths, at Sedgeley. Several tokens attributed to Smethwick by Boyne have been removed to Cornwall, as they were issued at Falmouth, and bear the ancient name of that town, Smithwick. Three of the tokens of Stafford bear the well-known device of the Stafford Knot, and one issuer, Davenport by name, was entitled to call himself armiger, and uses his family coat on his token. One token of Walsall is struck in lead. One trader, Thomas Richardson, had evidently business in two villages, and puts the names of Bettley and Batterley both upon his token. The arms of trading companies represented are those of Mercers, Grocers, Ironmongers, Stationers, Apothecaries, Tallowchandlers, and Merchant Tailors. The king's head and royal arms also appear on the token. The blocks are from drawings specially made by the late Llewellyn Jewitt, and are most kindly lent by Messrs. sWan Sonnenschein and Co., of Paternoster Square, London, from their work entitled "English Coins and Tokens."
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