17th-Century Farthing Trade Tokens
The seventeen tokens of this county are but proportionate to the diminutive size of the county, and not more than would
be expected from so quiet a county, possessing so few towns of even medium size. The series present no special feature.
One token of Uppingham, No. 10, is heart-shaped and of considerable rarity. [This is a halfpenny and not listed here.]
It would also be imagined from the series that the men of greatest prosperity in the county were the tallowchandlers, as
no less than five out of seventeen bear the device of a chandler or the arms of the company. Potterill of Oakham and
Butler of Uppingham bear their family arms on their tokens, and were evidently members of good families engaged in
trade. Three tokens are those of halfpence, the remainder being farthings.
The notes will be found to be of unusual interest and importance.
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