17th-Century Farthing Trade Tokens
The name of the late John Toplis, of Grimsby Villa, Nottingham, will be specially remembered in connection with the
following pages.
To him especially was due the interest which has been excited in that county for the collection of its traders' tokens. He devoted very much time and great attention to the study, and the compilation of the ensuing list was almost entirely his work. He was eager to supplement the descriptions by notes as to the issuers, and had commenced a careful search of parochial and town records for the purpose, when his career--so useful to his native town and so valuable to his large family--was untimely cut short. As a tribute of respect to the memory of a dear and valued friend the list is presented as he left it, no further efforts being made to obtain notes where his memory lingers over all the work. For much kindly aid and sympathy, and for very thoughtful help, the Editor is greatly indebted to him, and in making this inadequate reference to one whose removal has been so painful a loss, the Editor is impelled to express his thankfulness for having known for so many years a man so well worth knowing, and whom to know was to respect. May he rest in peace! These tokens are principally halfpennies. Some of them are of inferior workmanship, and of a size between halfpennies and farthings; the following are examples: Henry Carier, of Blyth and Nottingham; tokens of Berridge, Burrowes, Cockinge, Dodsley, Farwoorth, Hodges, and Smith. The only town piece is that of Nottingham.--John Toplis.
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