Misreading of No. 222? the following is a copy of the City Proclamation as to the issue of tokens, and is transcribed by permission from the city archives: "7 Sept., 1669. Whereas divrse p'sons have of late in sevrall places taken upon them to coyne, or cause to be coyned, great numbers of brass halfe-pence and ffarthings, and to vent them to the King's subjects, whereby this Citty as well as other places dothe exceedingly abound with the sayde Halfe-pence and ffarthings, wch doth already, and iff not tymely prvented, will dayly more and more bringe great damage to the Inhabitants of this Citty, for by reason of the death of some of those persons wch sett forth those halfpence and ffarthings, and that others of them doe remove theyr dwellings, or abscond themselves, many of those halfepence and ffarthings will not passe from man to man, soe that those prsons in whose hands they doe remain, must needs suffer damage therebye. And also many of those halfe-pence and ffarthings are brought from townes farr remote from this place, and with whom this Citty hath no comerce or trade, by reason of all wch our Inhabitants are put to great trouble in takeing moneys for theyr wares, and do dayly receive damage therebye. Now that these growing inconveniences may be redressed in tyme, and such small changeing money be provided, that noe man for the future may lose in receiving the same: It is att this Assembly agreed upon, and accordingly ordayned, that a convenient number of brasse Halfe-pence and ffarthings shall be provided by the Citty out of the comon stocke thereof, with such a stampe upon them as they may be publiquely known to be the moneys belonging to the Citty, and that these halfe-pence and ffarthings thus provided (and noe others) shall currently passe in this Citty, and that noe man may suffer damage by taking these halfe-pence and ffarthings thus sett forth. It is by this Assembly agreed upon, that this Citty shall exchange all such halfe-pence and ffarthings for current money of England, when any p'son shall give convenient notice soe to doe. And it is further agreed upon and ordayned, that from and after the first day of November next ensueing, noe other halfpence or ffarthings shall currently passe in this Citty but such as be sett forth as aforesayd. And it is also agreed upon at this Assembly, That such persons who are members of this Corporacion shall receive reasonable satisfaction for any losse they shall sustain by calling in such halfe-pence and ffarthings afresayd. And is also agreed upon , that of any benefitt arise by setting forth the sayd halfpence and farthings, It shall be employed for the use and benefitt of the poore. And if any person within this Citty shall after the time aforsayd, vent or offer in payment any Halfe-pence or ffarthings other thatn such as shall be stamped with the aforesayd stampe of this Citty, every p'son soe offendinge shall for every such offense forfeite the sum of fyve shillings to the use of the Chamber of this Citty to be levyed by distresse, and sale of the goods of the offender." |